4th - 7th JULY 2024, Lichthaus Bremen, Germany.


4th - 7th JULY 2024, Lichthaus Bremen, Germany.


4th - 7th JULY 2024, Lichthaus Bremen, Germany.

*~ Welcome, Detective! ~*

In the dimly lit basement of an old, decrepit mansion lies a scene frozen in time. A messy table strewn with scattered papers, empty coffee cups, and the relics of a bygone era: floppy disks, their magnetic secrets locked away. Among the chaos sits a dusty Commodore 64, its power supply still warm to the touch, as if recently awakened from a long slumber.

A flickering screen draws the eye, its green glow illuminating the room with an eerie light. Amidst the cryptic symbols and lines of code lies a message, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled. Mentions of a journey to a distant planet in space, whispered secrets of living cubic structures, and fragments of a story that defies comprehension.

As the year ticks over to 1985, a shadowy figure emerges from the depths of the mansion, drawn by the allure of the enigmatic scene. With each clue uncovered, the mystery deepens, leading down a labyrinth of intrigue and deception. Who holds the key to unlocking the secrets hidden within the code? And what dark forces lurk in the shadows, waiting to silence those who dare to uncover the truth?

Step into a world of "Cryptic Convergence," where the past and future collide in a tale of technology, intrigue, and the unfathomable mysteries of the cosmos. But beware, for not all secrets are meant to be revealed, and some truths are better left buried in the depths of time.

*~ Special Investigative Competitions ~*

Oldschool Graphics

Oldschool Graphics
To live in a bubble is hard to survive by Critikill / Haujobb ^ Rebels ^ SWEET16 | NORDLICHT'23

Newschool Graphics

Newschool Graphics
Neulich am Bahnsteig by OhLi / Digital Demolition Krew | NORDLICHT'23


the deepest call by TMA / Abyss-Connection ^ The Solaris Agency ^ Tristar and Red Sector Inc. | NORDLICHT'23

Oldschool Demo

Oldschool Demo
Voll Dampf Voraus! by The Ultimate Team | NORDLICHT'23

Newschool Demo

Newschool Demo
BRVTL by Farbrausch and Slay Bells | NORDLICHT'23


Spieleunfall aka Feunos by Bitbreaker / Nuance ^ Performers | NORDLICHT'23

Executable Music

Executable Music
Chippy by Virgill (not pictured!) | NORDLICHT'23

Tracked Music

Tracked Music
Level up endboss by Virgill / Maniacs of Noise (not pictured!) | NORDLICHT'23

Streaming Music

Streaming Music
Lotus (Lichthaus Remix) by Danko / Fairlight (not pictured!) | NORDLICHT'23


All the way down by OhLi / Digital Demolition Krew | NORDLICHT'23


Flaschbier Reloaded P8V2 by Slaxx | NORDLICHT'23

512 Byte

512 Byte
Trails by teadrinker | NORDLICHT'23

Fun Compo - Ironing Beads

Fun Compo - Ironing Beads
The Nordlicht Express by RaccoonViolet and vurpo | NORDLICHT'23

*~ Top Secret Invitation Demo ~*

*~ Nordlicht Partners In Crime ~*

TATNORDlicht would not be possible without the stupendous support of our trusty secret agents situated all over the world.


( ゚ー゚)っ♥ DönerAli  ( ゚ー゚)っ♥ Gasman [Gasman]  ( ゚ー゚)っ♥ Henne [The Dreams]  ( ゚ー゚)っ♥ ish
( ゚ー゚)っ♥ Insane [Rabenauge]   ( ゚ー゚)っ♥ KngFant  ( ゚ー゚)っ♥ mop [Akronyme Kriminologiker]
( ゚ー゚)っ♥ Riku55  ( ゚ー゚)っ♥ Veto [Oxyron]